Tuesday, October 7, 2008

the keep

i've completed my training at Shadow's Keep, a well respected and distinguished restaurant in south missoula on the highlands golf course boasting a gorgeous view of the city from the south hills. but lets be honest...its a shitshow.

there is no formal uniform. i often wear capris, crocs, and some absurd hat (along with my chef coat and apron). we listen to music at blaringly loud volumes. a steady diet of nofx, against me, mc chris and other punk rock has hardened me. its very normal to scream out an order to the dishwasher...if you dont yell, he won't hear you.  the menu is simple, we prep very little and i've already been promoted from salad/app land to the line as a "chef".

and somehow despite all of this, we pump out huge volumes of food at prices upwards of $50 per plate...and people can't get enough of it. i've become convinced that most people, if put in a fancy setting with fancy lighting surrounded by cute servers in fancy outfits and served food that is $30 per plate with fancy names like duck confit or beef satee, will leave happy and satisfied and will excitedly tell their friends about their beautiful dining experience at Shadows Keep. 

so for now, i'm content to benefit from these people's stupidity as they leave enormous tips and return time and time again. and if it becomes too much, i always have the house bar that graciously offers a 50% discount to all employees so we can drink away our tips.


Jax said...

Hahaha. I'd be happy with a plate of anything...as long as I don't have to cook. :)
Wooohooo..now I can keep track of your adventures!

BK said...

Thank you soup 2!

Are there any people in the kitchen like Wayne? Mcguirkatron? Sous Chef Mike? I could totally see you as Sous Chef Mike in 15 years. Hard as fuck.