last night i was submerged into the fixed gear hipster counter culture of Missoula. free cycles is Missoula's version of the Hub (in Bellingham), but they throw a much better party. the shop has high ceilings littered with random bikes and forlorn rims, the wood floors are in good shape besides grease stains, and the place is generally in good order.
after hosting the 1st annual alley cat messenger bike race yesterday, the United Cyclists of MT regrouped at Free Cycles with a free keg of Big Sky slow elk in tow. after taping the keg at 8pm, we pulled out radical and mix&match bikes to engage in some ol' fashioned combat.
after mounting our mini-bikes similar to that of the ZooBombers of Portland, we began our jousting matches. my roommate and i entered the first two bouts and we were handily beaten. i managed to throw my opponent off his bike in the first round, but i was sent flying into a pile of broken bikes in the second round and left with a bleeding ankle after the third round.
the bikes were cleared and wrenches, broken bikes and buckets emerged. everyone gathered in a circle as one fixie hipster began to beat box, others started wailing on the bikes with the wrenches in a chaotic beat...and we began a flow sesh. just a bunch of 20-ish year old white dudes wearing capris, hipster bike t-shirts and bike hats attempting to flow. it was pitiful and glorious. im just glad slater wasnt there.
all in all it was a glorious night. i met a 70 year old dude at free cycles from Guatemala that turned out to be a huge perve, a gorgeous 19 year old from Alaska (who is Palin's third cousin twice removed and can field dress a moose), and finished my night off at the Rhino playing shuffle board against a 30 year old law student from upstate new york. le cougar.
if i only would have got the number of the 19 year old
MC Wacka is back at it? Big Ben has been taking a little break from the rapping community. He didn't feel welcome.
oh gawd.
similar to the zoo bombers in portland eh? I like the connection but I'm not sure what you mean... I have seen every kind of bike there, mostly fixies or road bikes.... were they little bikes or something?
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