Saturday, October 18, 2008

drinking alone

a recent conversation i had after finishing a shift at shadow's keep (and after finishing a knob creek on the rocks):

barkeep: how was it?
me: delicious
barkeep: whats next?
me: no idea, pondering that as we speak
barkeep: how bout a carbomb? (good bartender i might add)
me: ha! i was actually just thinking the same thing
barkeep: well why not
me: well i've never done one alone, i feel i'm not quite ready to do carbombs alone in public drinking houses
co-worker: i do them all the time! no shame in it!
me: well buddy, heres to ya (as we share a car bomb)

how precious


Anonymous said...

yea... sounds like we're both killin it.

Jax said...

You need to find Stuart, my friend that came to Bham with me last spring. He and his fiance just got back from Ecuador and live in a cabin outside Missoula. She works for a women's organization of some type and he's working for the homeless shelter and some health organization. They're hoping to start some type of subsistence farming/run a mercantile outside of Glacier. Obviously my details are a little fuzzy....but you get the're both chasing a lot of the same things and could probably enjoy a cold brew together. Chao.