Thursday, October 30, 2008

we have nothing to lose

recent blips from a recent convo + other thoughts...(a rant of sorts)

im tired of squeaking by and selling my weekend for $150. my heart isnt throbbing knowing that i provide better coffee and quality food/beer.

people always say that if its too good to be true, it probably is. i intend to prove this wrong, or go broke trying. but i've been broke so long i wouldn't even know when i arrived at this proverbial "state of poverty".

we have nothing to lose

i'll drop everything to commit. 4 months of labor. 8 months of freedom. why not.
imagine what a 6 pack of high life would taste like after a week like that. i can't! well then, lets find out.

in the words of king Salomon, all is vanity, but it sure would be nice to pay off a lil debt, buy my sibs some nice gear and then buy myself a one way tix to patagonia.

it can happen. idealistic thoughts no longer dwell in idealism when they become concrete. when they become a reality.

dont write it off. dont write me off.

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